I've been Tagged - 7 Links Challenge


I’ve Been Tagged ~ 7 LINKS CHALLENGE:

Hey Friends,

Some days back my friend, Kaveri of Palakkad Samayal, nominated me to participate in one of the newest blog trendhere the " 7 Links Game " .
And today, I just got tagged by my another friend Aarthi of Yummy Tummy in this challenge.

Thank you Kaveri and Aarthi for this wonderful opportunity…!!!

The challenge is to write a post with links to 7 posts that fit into 7 themes…!!

I’m happy and ready to have fun, as it was a perfect way to go over the posts again that are happy, dark, fun, controversial & so forth…! The Rules of this game are:

  1. Blogger is nominated to take part

  2. Blogger publishes his/her 7 links on his/her blog.

  3. Blogger nominates up to 5 more bloggers to take part.

  4. These bloggers publish their 7 links and nominate another 5 more bloggers

  5. And so it goes on!

    The categories are:

  6. Your most beautiful post

  7. Your most popular post

  8. Your most controversial post

  9. Your most helpful post

  10. A post who’s success surprised you

  11. A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved

  12. The post you are most proud of
